As leaders in our industry, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of professional behavior. The SGS Code of Integrity defines the main principles of professional integrity for the SGS Group and is an expression of the values that are shared throughout our organization, our businesses and our affiliates.
We are committed to a culture in which issues of integrity and professional ethics can be raised and discussed openly. Guidance and support is available to assist employees and other stakeholders acting on behalf of, or representing our organization to understand the Code and to help them make the right decision when faced with an ethical dilemma.
Our SGS Group compliance program, based on our SGS Code of Integrity, exists to ensure that the highest standards of integrity are applied to all our business activities worldwide, in accordance with international best practice.
Our annual integrity training program acts as a periodic refresher of the principles of the Code and is conducted by each supervisor and manager with responsibility for staff. A record of participation is kept to ensure that all staff complete the training each year. Specific integrity training sessions for supervisors and managers are also conducted.
The annual integrity training is supplemented by an interactive eLearning program, which integrates the general principles contained in the Code into our different SGS businesses. Available on the Internet in English and more than 20 languages, it is used as continual training and by new employees as part of their induction.
The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for implementing procedures governing the ethical behavior of our employees and consultants, and for conducting investigations on alleged staff misconduct. He also sets the standards of integrity that we expect of our business partners. Reports on suspected violations of the Code can be submitted, or advice obtained, by calling the Integrity Helpline or by filing a written report online or sending it by fax or mail.
The Corporate Governance & Sustainability Committee is the Committee of the Board of Directors of SGS SA which has ultimate oversight over compliance matters regarding SGS Group. It ensures implementation of the Code of Integrity within our organization and advises management on all issues of business ethics. It also approves policies regarding anti-bribery and corruption and the use of certain suppliers that are deemed to present a high level of risk.
The Corporate Governance & Sustainability Committee consists of the following members:
The Chief Compliance Officer, Olivier Merkt, reports to the Committee on all compliance related matters. The CEO attends all meetings of the Committee. The Committee may request the attendance of other executives or employees of the Group when required.